Kids, teens and adults with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are trapped in a vicious cycle of worries, intrusive thoughts and rituals. While loved ones are desperate to help them, defeating OCD takes time and specialized therapy. To uncover what OCD is, and what it isn’t, filmmakers Kelly Anderson and Chris Baier focus on an unlikely group of experts: kids!
UNSTUCK is an award-winning short film that explains OCD through the eyes of young people. It avoids sensationalizing compulsions and obsessions, and instead reveals the complexity of a disorder that affects the brain and behavior. As the group of resilient kids and teens roadmap their process of recovery, the film will inspire you to believe it is possible to fight your worst fears and defeat OCD.
Kelly 和 Chris 在纽约布鲁克林的强迫症儿童家长互助小组相识。作为患有强迫症的儿童和青少年的父母,他们亲身经历了这种精神疾病对孩子和家庭的毁灭性影响。他们了解当孩子不认识任何患有强迫症的人时,他们会感到多么孤独。他们也见证了强迫症儿童和青少年相互交谈的积极影响。他们创建了UNSTUCK ,以此来回馈那些多年来帮助他们孩子的人。
Filming Ariel's ERP homework
Vanessa and Charlotte look over footage with Eric and their parents.
Getting the sound just right.
Jake and Tatum pose that the 2017 OCD Conference
Filming on location in Florida
Eric filming Sharif in New Jersey.
Kelly, Eric and Holden review his interview in South America
Vanessa draws a worry.
Mixing final sound with JD at Color New York
Vanessa cuddles with her cat Rumplestiltskin
Sibling interview with Charlotte
Holden and Tatum share a laugh during their interview.
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